Went as a cat for Halloween. A GG friend of mine and I decided to be cats together... matching makeup/ears/tail/fishnets. Fun. Last year I went en femme for Halloween, but hated it, since I didn't really want anyone to know about my other side... so I chose something that looked ridiculous, orange wig, bad makeup... looked awful. This year my goal was to actually look cute. And I think I succeeded... when another friend of mine showed up, her first reaction when she saw me was, "who's that new girl?" Then she realized who the cat was and she told me over and over what a beautiful woman I made, I was hot, etc. Got lots of compliments on my hair.

Last year, it was very obvious that I was a guy doing a caricature of a woman. This year, although still pretty obvious, most people looked at me, and I could tell they weren't sure at first. So that was pretty cool. I didn't get the sense that any of my friends suspected anything. But then again, they probably wouldn't have let on, if they did. Somehow though, I suspect I wanted people to wonder, or even "figure stuff out." I mean, c'mon people. That wig looked GOOD on me... do you really think I got it at a Halloween store? :)


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