Had a visit to the endo today... things are going well so far meaning no adverse effects, so now he has me up to 200 mg/spiro a day and after a week if all is well, 3.75 mg Premarin.  He said this was his "maintenance dose," which I guess means that is where he likes to top people out.  Most people on Premarin that I have read about, are on 5 mg/day.  But he's done this before, and I have not, so we'll go with it.

I just want things to start happening.  He told me to try and me patient, and I told him I'd try my best, although it's not my strong suit.  :)


Good to hear girl. Hope things continue to work out for you. I hope he's taking your blood often too. I know some doctors go by dosages and some go by estrogen levels but really it can be quite different from person to person no matter the dosage or estrogen levels.

I think the safest way is probably keeping good track of blood clotting and liver levels (among other things).

*hugs* I can totally understand the patience problem. =)

Congratulations! I know it is a slow process, but it is still exciting to see the changes I bet. I was wondering though, did you have a discussion with your Endo on Premarin versus Estradiol? I have read conflicting reports and was just curious if you received any feedback.

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